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Start LearningDocker Demystified: Understanding Containers, Images, and Architecture
Learn the basics of Docker containers and images. Explore the Docker architecture and discover how it simplifies application development and deployment.
Dockers enables developers to develop, deploy, and run applications in containers.
In this way, Docker allows to bundle an application along with its environment, all the dependencies, so that it can run on any system that has Docker running. This leads to a more manageable and scalable applications, while eliminating issues from development to productionBy sharing the same container images developers can create the same environments for development, testing, and production.
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Every developer in the team must have the same configurations.
Whenever new dev joins the team, a whole bunch of applications needs to be installed with exact identical versions.
You need to replicate your dev environment to the production server to ensure smooth working
Docker Architecture
Docker Images
In Docker, an image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, environment variables, and system tools. It is the fundamental building block of Docker containers.
Image is the just the OS which runs on the container.
docker pull ubuntu (these images coming from docker hub)
Docker Container
Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-contained environments that can run anywhere, making it easy to develop and deploy applications across different environments such as development, testing, staging, and production.
Base Image
We need the OS where we will install our softwares and run them. So we can use ubuntu, MacOS, Windows. So these images we call base image
By combining the base image (ubuntu) and other softwares like node js, mysql you can build a new image which can be used by another container.
image name you can give like : piyushdev and then can run this image in container like
docker run -it piyushdev. So it will have ubuntu and other related packages installed
Docker Commands
Working with containers:
docker run <image>
: creates and starts a container based on the specified image.Example: docker run nginx
docker start <container>
: starts a stopped container.Example: docker start my-container
docker stop <container>
: stops a running container.Example: docker stop my-container
docker rm <container>
: removes a stopped container.Example: docker rm my-container
docker ps
: lists all running containers.Example: docker ps
docker ps -a
: lists all containers, including stopped ones.Example: docker ps -a
docker logs <container>
: displays the logs of a container.Example: docker logs my-container
docker exec <container> <command>
: runs a command inside a running container.Example: docker exec my-container ls
docker inspect <container>
: displays detailed information about a container.Example: docker inspect my-container
Working with images:
docker pull <image>
: downloads an image from a registry.Example: docker pull ubuntu
docker build <path>
: builds an image from a Dockerfile.Example: docker build
.docker tag <image> <repository>:<tag>
: tags an image with a repository and tag.Example: docker tag my-image my-repo:1.0
docker push <repository>:<tag>
: pushes an image to a registry.Example: docker push my-repo:1.0
docker rmi <image>
: removes an image.Example: docker rmi my-image
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Docker Demystified: Understanding Containers, Images, and Architecture
Learn the basics of Docker containers and images. Explore the Docker architecture and discover how it simplifies application development and deployment.

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